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IMG is an independent marketing company whose associates, through its affiliated companies, offer a broad array of financial services and products.

What We Do:

Helping You Move from Dreaming to Doing. In the busy day-to-day hustle of life many people are too busy to stop, step back and focus on their dreams. They keep moving forward without a vision as to where they want to go. IMG knows that you can't stuff a great life into a small dream. That's why we help people make decisions about what they want out of life. We help people think outside the box and let them know that they have choices about where they're going. A dream is as personal and different as the individual dreaming it. What makes one person happy may not be what another person is seeking in life. A dream can be:

  • Living a comfortable lifestyle

  • Retiring early

  • Traveling to exotic destinations

  • Owning a dream home

  • Owning a luxury car

  • Making a difference in you local community by supporting causes

  • Having financial security by building a recurring revenue stream

  • Building your own business

  • Spending more time with family and friends


But dreams can only become reality if you have the freedom and the means to accomplish them. We help put people back on track to their dreams by:


  • Helping families plan for their financial futures

  • Offering people a life-changing career opportunity


At IMG, we're committed to helping our clients and associates realize their dreams.

What We Believe in?

"If only I had a chance..."

How many times have you heard these words spoken by a friend or family member or uttered them from your own lips? The "what ifs" and "if only" can plague a person's psyche, focusing them on the rearview of regret rather than the possibilities of tomorrow. At International Marketing Group, giving people a chance is what we stand for. Whether you are a client interested in planning more effectively for your family's financial future or an entrepreneur interested in starting your own business with a solid company, IMG believes in providing a path to help you realize your dreams.


What makes us different?

IMG is one of the few companies of its kind in the industry today - a company dedicated to serving the financial needs of individuals and families who are typically overlooked by the financial services industry. IMG recognizes the need for widespread financial education, particularly among middle income individuals and families who could readily benefit from exposure to the latest financial concepts and solutions. Unlike many companies that target only wealthy clients, IMG is dedicated to teaching everyday people how to plan their financial futures and work toward their goals no matter what their income. Driven by its mission to help people around the world achieve financial independence, International Marketing Group and its thousands of associates in the United States and Canada introduce simple financial concepts to help clients understand how to put their money to work more effectively to move toward their goals. While many other financial services companies have a "one size fits all" attitude with little or no product choice, International Marketing Group advocates the power of choice. IMG has agreements with several of the leading companies in the financial services and insurance industries allowing associates to offer clients a wide array of products and services to choose from so they can find the ones that best fit their needs. And as clients' needs change, IMG's diverse product selection can grow with them.

I'm Engr. Ian Paul Ruiz and one of the Associates at IMG.  I joined this organization because my primary goal is to achieve financial independence.    


Since acquiring a job at age 22, I have been depositing all my savings at the bank and subsequently been moving them to time deposits after accumulating a significant amount.  But do you know what? It did'nt even give me high returns because I was financially illiterate.  I started my journey to financial independence out of curiosity.  After seeing several advertisements from my senior colleagues in school (Engr's. Marcelina & Emmanuel Martin) about Financial Literacy Coaching, I immediately contacted them for a coaching schedule using skype.  


If you also desire financial freedom, I would be happy to assist you, share what I've learned and experienced at IMG.  DO NOT WAIT FOR BETTER TIMES BEFORE YOU START INVESTING, START NOW.



Disclaimer: The above statements have been adopted from  For complete company description, kindly visit the mentioned site by clicking on the above IMG logo.

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